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About The Inner Realms

We are in a time of awakening.

Awakening to a changing world, a new world and also an unchartered world.

A global paradigm shift is upon us, which we are personally connected to.

We are recognizing what has and hasn't worked.

We are shaking off old patterns and beliefs, choosing ones that support our wellness and connection.

We are awakening to ourselves through recognizing what is important and integral in our lives.

As we turn our attention inward and take time for self-reflection,

the eternal question arises,

What Am I?

Through your Inner Wisdom, YOU are the best navigator and highest authority of your life.

It is within the space of Presence that you have access your Inner Truths.

If you are ready to further connect to your Eternal Presence,

then it is time to meet.

Let's go even deeper to reveal your highest vision.

The Time Is Now.

What you are seeking is seeking you.

~ Rumi

Meet Corinne at The Inner Realms


Welcome and thank you for stopping by!

The Inner Realms was created in recognition of the eternal vastness within each of us.

I have always had an interest in how the pieces of this puzzle called Life link together

and fascinated at how connecting the magical dots of this reality reveal the picture of Life.  

From very early in childhood I sensed everything was energetically connected, which became the vital foundation for how my life was to unfold and subsequent decisions I would make.  

At 9yrs old I had a spiritual transformative experience in the recognition that Creator/Source/God was within me and not as a separate entity, as was presented to me.  It was at this point I realized people had unknowingly displaced their Source power outside of themselves.

 From there I saw how the systemic structures of this physical realm were not as they appeared

and how this greatly influenced people's perceptions of themselves,

primarily their identity of who they believed themselves to be.  

This began my conscious path of awakening and I have dedicated this lifetime to 

exploring and revealing the truth of this constructed reality. 

My private practice has evolved from energy healing modalities, 

to exploring the transpersonal relationships of the conscious, subconscious and

superconscious states of the human mind within one's self-created belief systems.
My current focus is the integration and harmonization of the Divine Mind / Whole Self

as the key component to one's self-realization.

My role is to assist you on your path of your expanding consciousness,

To remind you of your Wholeness

So that you come into even greater alignment and expansion

Using your ever-present keys of Inner Awareness

That are ready to be revealed and reclaimed by you

For the purpose of personal integration and unification

In the realization of What You Are

Thank you for your attention.​​

I look forward to connecting with you!


As a Spiritual Counsellor and Energy Practitioner, Corinne is passionate about the evolution of human consciousness and how it expresses itself through the fabric of reality. At a young age she found herself seeing outside the established norms, which greatly influenced her perception of life. Along her path she has been guided by extraordinary phenomena, insights and experiences. She sees life as an intriguing journey offering continuous opportunity for expansion.


Corinne guides those who are on their path of spiritual awakening and who are drawn to further connect to their inner wisdom and higher purpose for the purpose of self-realization. 


Corinne is formally trained as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) Practitioner, Reiki Master, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Conscious Breathwork Facilitator and has a Bachelor of Education.  Her private practice is The Inner Realms. ​


Corinne Cornish lives in Calgary, AB, Canada, where in the summer she adores being outside hiking, bike riding, camping and kayaking.  In the winter when the temperatures are mild she hikes and cross country skis.

Connect with Corinne at:




​The Inner Realms

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